I've wanted a blog for a long time. I love visiting crafty-type blogs, so why not start one of my own? So over a bowl of my man's chicken spaghetti (which is one of my very favourite meals he makes) and my cat sleeping by my side I have decided to do just that.
Thank you, me.
I have a lot of great crafty ideas, and I want to share them with the world. What better way to do that than with the interwebs? I may not have the most professional-looking blog, but I'll evolve. I'll get there. I BELIEVE IN ME.
Expect posts about crochet, embroidery, poor man's projects, and who knows what else. I'm not a professional crafter (more like an enthusiast), and I don't have a store or anything (yet), but there's still time.
**Side note: Once upon a time, I started this blog on a Wordpress account. After much neglect of that blog, I figured it'd be much, much easier to move my Wordpress posts to a Blogger one, since I use many of Google's other products already. Thus my Blogger adventure begins!
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